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Personal Training


With a personal trainer you can train more safely and receive better and quicker results with your time spent at the gym

Book your PT today via the CLIENT PORTAL, use our application or send en email to

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Costel Cosloc is a Personal Trainer and aerobics instructor, with 11 years of experience in the field of fitness. Personal description: I turned my childhood passion for sports into my way of life as an adult. I am here to share my knowledge with all those who have a passion for sports and who want to change their lifestyle. Currently, there are over 400 students, who have recognized that with a specialized trainer, they can safely and guaranteed achieve the desired results. Personal motto: Start today! Work for your dream and you'll thank yourself later! Recognized certifications and specializations:

Graduate of the Fitness Instructor course at (UNEFS) National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest. 1st place in the Dorian Yates Romania trainers' competition - The best trainer in the "Weight Loss Women" category 2021 - October PERSONAL TRAINER AEROBIC INSTRUCTOR T.R.X INSTRUCTOR WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAMS FUNCTIONAL TRAINING STRENGHT TRAINING KETTLEBELL INSTRUCTOR LES MILLS INSTRUCTOR BOSU BALL INSTRUCTOR NUTRITIONIST

Book your PT session with me on your CLIENT PORTAL, use our application or send en email to


Matei Larisa is a former performance athlete with a background of 6 years in Athletics, being passionate about sports since childhood. She is a Certified Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer. Motto "If you put your heart into what you do, you will surely succeed" I invite you to discover that with a coach you will achieve your goals more easily and safely. My knowledge is divided into: Nutrition by correcting and choosing a healthy eating plan. Functional training, interval, circuit, strength, postural, prenatal fitness, postnatal fitness.

See you at training!

Book your PT session with me on your CLIENT PORTAL, use our application or send en email to



Sunt absolvent al Scolii Nationale de Antrenori cu specializarea box.

Experienta de peste 25 de ani in domeniul sportului de contact, competitiile nationale si internationale la care am participat in profilul box si kickbox, antrenamentele dure si complexe au fost pilonii principali ai mentinerii unei vieti echilibrate.


Antrenamentele de tip box/kickbox aduc beneficii in arii diverse ale vietii precum: rezistenta fizica, flexibilitate, tonifiere, reducerea stresului, tonifiere, imbunatirea coordonarii, a viziunii, deprinderea tehnicilor de auto-aparare, dezvoltarea abilitatilor fizice, mentale si cognitive.


Alaturi de explozia sportului de contact sta experienta pe care am acumulat-o in domeniul kinetoterapiei si al remodelarii corporale, ce aduce un plus antrenamentelor pe care le livrez prin adaugarea elementelor de corectare a posturii, aliniamentului corpului si cresterea confortului fizic si psihic.

Rezervă-ţi sesiunea de PT cu mine din PORTALUL CLIENTILOR, foloseşte aplicaţia noastră sau trimite un e-mail la

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With over 10 years of experience in fitness field, I am always focused on results, always ready to inspire those I work with to ensure continuous progress.
I am focused on strength development, bodybuilding, body remodeling and the motivation of those I work with throughout the journey to the expected results.
Background fitness:
Fitness instructor and personal trainer.

Book your PT session with me on your CLIENT PORTAL, use our application or send en email to

1 client (one on one)
First session          40 RON 
Single session      110 RON
5 sessions             520 RON
10 sessions           990 RON
+ 2 clients (duo +)
First session          40 RON 
Single session       90 RON
5 sessions             450 RON
10 sessions           750 RON 
We have designed our gyms around the things that matter the most.
As a result we provide modern high quality gyms with the right equipment based on the feedback from the ones we care the most about;
our members. ​

We welcome EVERYBODY to become a member at our gym with 24/7 OPENING HOURS and TOP QUALITY EQUIPMENT in
Bucharest´s district 3! 

Stay up to date with our latest news and follow us here:

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Enough talk, let´s sweat it out!

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